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Does Anyone Know About Cancer Treatment Centers of America?

Question by xinx78: Does anyone know about Cancer Treatment Centers Of America?
I called and checked their website, they sound too good to be true, also they really don’t want to give out any free advice, esp when they can make money from a visit to their hospital. I found out it is a pvt hosptial and they don’t accept Government aid, funding or help, so that means they only accept the best of the best medical insurance and you need to be rich to even go there, intial deposit is $ 100,000 if you have no Medical coverage. So since this is purely based for the rich, not the poor, or working poor, are these treatment centers any good and are they worth all that money or what? Just curious if they can eradicate any type of oral cancer? If you went there or know of them, on a 10 star rating, what would you rate them as ? 10 being the best and 1 being poor.

Best answer:

Answer by Mary Boo
The medical is still treat like HMO. It should be something don about that. because cancer is cancer

Answer by quijibored
This is part of my answer to the other CTCA question asked by someone else this AM.

First off, there are no secret cancer treatments that are only available at CTCA so when looking for a cancer treatment facility you want the best hospital for your particular cancer that happens to be located near your home. Traveling long distances repeatedly when you are not feeling good gets old (and very expensive in out of pocket cash) real fast so you need to figure into the equation what degree of difficulty you will have making repeated trips to whatever facility you end up choosing.

Cancer Treatment Centers of America are private for profit hospitals that make certain you have the money to pay for their services. While they have modern facilities they are by no means able to offer all the cutting edge treatments available when compared to some of the other hospitals available for treating cancer like for instance MD Anderson in Houston. CTCA’s big advantage is their willingness to spend tons of money on advertising and not because the treatments available there are different than the treatments available at many other top rate cancer facilities.

The NCI has chosen about 35 cancer centers that they designate as comprehensive cancer centers meaning they are able to deal with complex cases of almost every type cancer. This also means that clinical trials are widely available – something that CTCA does not offer. Here is a link to find the nearest NCI designated comprehensive cancer center located nearest to you.…

BTW- Do not get the self named “comprehensive cancer centers” mixed up with the NCI designated facilities. While they may still be very good hospitals, for whatever reason, the NCI has not yet designated them as an NCI facility.

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