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How Do I Get Over a “Chai Latte Addiction”?

Question by stargazingeyes1983: How do I get over a “Chai Latte Addiction”?
Okay, I know in comparison to more serious addictions, such as nicotine, alcohol, and hardcore drugs, etc., this “addiction” sounds lame and stupid, but the truth is, I think I’m addicted to the cafe drink “iced chai latte”. I went through a whole week w/out it because I was broke, and now that I have my paycheck again, I keep getting it at least once a day at any cafe I can find (I am not partial to Starbucks, unlike a lot of people). It’s bad because these drinks are expensive, and I always buy the largest b/c the small ones just don’t cut it for me, and those are about almost 4 dollars. I know that doesn’t sound like a lot, but if you think about it, buying it everyday, and with the job I have, (I’m in school still, college) it is expensive. But I feel like if I don’t have it I’ll just be feeling mad and craving it. So what should I do? Any helpful tips for cutting down on this habit? Or any cheaper alternatives to chai latte?

Best answer:

Answer by pinkestkitten21
goodluck girl, i have the same damn problem with those monster energy drinks

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