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Posts Tagged ‘alcoholics anonymous’

ABC anchor Elizabeth Vargas opens up about alcohol addiction and rehab
According to the New York Daily News, senior staff at ABC were told last October Vargas was on 'medical leave', but many suspected she was being treated for alcoholism. Back to work: ABC's 20/20 host Elizabeth Vargas is expected to be back in the …
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After 75 Years of Alcoholics Anonymous, It's Time to Admit We Have a Problem
“Alcoholics Anonymous was proclaimed the correct treatment for alcoholism over seventy-five years ago despite the absence of any scientific evidence of the approach's efficacy,” he writes in his introduction, “and we have been on the wrong path ever …
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Carol Smith's lifelong story of survival
He went into detox when Smith turned 13 and has been sober since. “That was a very difficult time because … Smith herself never had a problem with alcohol or drugs but to this day she attends Alcoholics Anonymous for ongoing support. “My mother was …

War on drugs: Time to end failed strategies
There is a magic pill that cures addiction. It is used in other countries and used to be legal here. You take one pill, one time, and without going through the painful detox symptoms one normally experiences you emerge a clean, non-addict. The success …
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Question by Cory D: Speech Help…importance of not doing drugs.?
Im going a speech for english. it needs to be at least 4 minutes long and i got about 2 minutes of that covered. its about the importance of not doing drugs. i have 3 main points but i need some more behind them. they’re Life in jail, life out of jail and health effects. so whats all this like and how does it affect you is what im asking.

Best answer:

Answer by George J
The drug addict will strongly deny that the use of drugs is the reason for a deteriorating situation. He or she tends to blame the problems they have on people around them, including friends, co-workers, and loved ones, and the treatment group where the addict is a member. Being in a treatment group with such a person is very, very difficult if that person is hostile and blaming. It becomes obvious that the drug habit is the real problem. Most treatment groups will tolerate this situation for a while, hoping the problem “solves itself” by merely disappearing, or that the addict will respond to suggestions, or even ultimatums that they “clean up their act.” Ultimatums may be temporarily effective, but unless the addict seeks true rehabilitation, problems will invariably recur. Sadly, many addicts lose their jobs and are left alone, denying responsibility, blaming the band member(s) responsible for his or her firing.

When a drug addict loses his or her job, it’s because the other workers have been forced to make a choice. A treatment group is a unique environment: one third team, one third business, one third family. It’s very difficult to discharge a member from is “family” when the person is in such obvious trouble and pain. And yet, that person is most likely not contributing fully to the team effort, and may actually be severely damaging himself and otherst. The drug addict may have to cancel appointments, or drop out of treatment if he is unable to perform, and the situation becomes more critical when the other family meembers are also involved with drugs. It becomes difficult to include feeding a family, or paying rent or a mortgage. Every drug addict is an individual, and the demands of every family member’s situation. There are limits to the number of times treatment group members are able to give the addict the benefit of the doubt, and to the number of broken promises a band is able to endure.

The past decade has seen increased awareness of and concern for drug addicts, and increased ability to effectively treat their illness. There are full-time self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and its first cousin Narcotics Anonymous (NA) dedicated to providing drug addicts with help and support. There are many other public and private organizations with similar goals, including those oriented towards helping “concerned persons” – the family, friends, and co-workers of addicts. One of these groups is an excellent place for band members to go for help with bringing one of their own to rehabilitation. While AA and NA offer free support, private rehabilitation facilities can be very costly. The costs and types of rehabilitation programs vary however, and the addition of substance abuse to the list of illnesses recognized by the AMA has made treatment for drug addiction eligible for coverage under many health insurance policies.

dna exclusive: Powai locals join hands to fight drug menace
The residents also decided to form a support group that will reach the drug addict in the society and his/her family and be the first counsellor. "There will be a support group to reach out to drug addict and his/her family as well as a support group …
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Drugs Petition Passes 100000, Russell Brand Offers To Snog Signatory Live On
Danny Kushlick, head of external affairs at Transform Drug Policy Foundation, said: "The level of public support for a debate on prohibition and alternatives demonstrates yet again that the public are way ahead of politicians on the issue of drug law …
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Local coroner among those saying growing victims of drug abuse are usually
HARRISBURG — Public service announcements warn parents of children raiding the medicine cabinet to get high, but coroners say a growing number of victims of drug deaths are parents, themselves. … National research supports the coroners' accounts.
Read more on Meadville Tribune

Question by : Is rehab necessary for addicts?
Rehab Treatment New Jersey is a fully licensed and certified Rehabilitation Center for all those who are in the clutches of drug and alcohol addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Jack
a friend of mine went to rehab for a few months for extacy the first thing he did when he got out was smoke weed get drunk and do extacy

waste of money if you ask me.

Answer by Danny Wykes dip reflex mb
It can be in severe cases but another alternative is to see a Reflexologist. Reflexology is very good at combating addictions and would deffinenly reccomend it .

Challenging Alcoholics Anonymous as the model for substance abuse treatment
The 12-step model of alcohol addiction treatment has been the status quo in rehabilitation centers for well over fifty years. Alcoholics Anonymous was formed in the 1930s and by 2000, the 12 steps were the program of choice for 90 percent of American …
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Dennis Rodman checks into rehab for treatment of alcohol addiction
(CNN) — Former basketball star Dennis Rodman has checked into an alcohol-rehabilitation center after facing backlash for his visit to North Korea. "Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally. The pressure that was put …
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Question by datdudeyahknow: Question about self harm treatment?
I have a friend who cuts herself and she has asked me about what can she do to get better and if there are any treatment places but I don’t know much about the topic. Um she lives in the Phoenix, Arizona area if that helps any. Thanks for the answers!

Best answer:

Answer by anna unff
I’m not sure about treatment places, but I’m positive there must be some sort of Mental Rehabilitation center near you and her tha can offer self-harm treatment but a big deal of getting over her addiction (which is pretty much what it is) is for her to get to the bottom of why she cuts. Some people think you can get over your mental issues on your own (depending on the degree of the issue) and some i’m not sure if they believe that but I am one of the people who believes our own mind and thoughts are the answers. I’ve pulled through a lot, as well as self-harm which is a work in progress but currently going strong, and honestly the best thing i can think to tell her is to realize why she cuts. Is it a family problem? An ex-boyfriend who hurt her so badly? Childhood bullying? For me it was my bullying and then later on a family problem and then my ex reintroduced me to it. I had to realize that even though it took the pain away, it wasn’t helping with my problems.

See if you have a school consellor for her to talk to if she’s comfortable, that would be a good place to start. They can probably give you more information about where to go from there. They may be able to talk her to her parents if she was comfortable with that, but honestly I can say that going to a school consellor would be a great decision as it was the first step for my recovery. By the way, you’re a great friend just because you didn’t turn your back on her and leave her to deal with this alone, she’s lucky to have you 🙂
^ you need to sign up i think or enter a postal code, but i just googled “Self-harm rehabilitation centers Pheonix, Arizona” and this came up,

message me if you have something else to ask if you want

Answer by Frank Thomas
I believe there are generally two ways in which self-harm is treated. A lot of people on Yahoo Answers seem to view it as an addiction. If your friend is religious and believes that self-harm is an addiction over which she is completely powerless, she can check out, the website for Self-Mutilators Anonymous (a 12 step program based on Alcoholics Anonymous) that views self-harm as a disease and an addiction. I used to attend AA meetings, but they never did me any good. I have since quit on my own. It is a religious program, even if the people at the meetings say that no, it’s a spiritual program. That’s like saying that it’s a lemon, not a citrus fruit. In 2003 the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that AA is actually a religious program. So, your friend must believe in God, and she must believe that only God can help her with her problems. Not friends, not family, not herself, but only God. Alcoholics Anonymous reports a success rate of about 6% to 7% of people who have attended for over a year. The rate of remission of alcoholism, that is stopping without doing anything, is 5% during any given year. So, AA has about a one or two percent success rate, and those are their own numbers. I expect the same from Self-Mutilator’s Anonymous.

The other approach would be a psychiatric approach. Cutting is a symptom, not a disease. If cutting is a symptom, then a therapist would try to get to the bottom of the reasons why your friend cuts herself and helps her deal with it, and a psychiatrist prescribes medication for your friend to reduce her desire to cut herself. Most cutters have bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, major depression, or eating disorders, or any combination thereof. They would try to work with your friend’s impulse control.

I think she needs to be in an inpatient psychiatric facility so that she can’t find any sharp objects to mutilate herself with. She’ll be able to see a psychiatrist about three times a week and therapists every day. It’s not like a prison sentence. It’s a place to get better.

I hope this helps.

Nuanced Media Client, Integrative Pain Center of Arizona, Provides Safety
Integrative Pain Center of Arizona (IPCA) is the premier pain clinic in Tucson. Having worked for 10 years to develop the technology, the experience, and the organization to offer truly patient-centered evaluation and treatment for all types of pain …
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Buffs have 20-20-20 vision, top UW
The blow opened a cut on his forehead and trainers helped him off the floor and into the locker room for treatment. He returned in the second half with a bandage … (2) Arizona 76, Oregon State 54: Aaron Gordon had 17 points, Rondae Hollis-Jefferson …
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Florence case praised as good example of teen-suicide intervention
The administrators intervened, sending him for treatment after they found a Japanese comic book glorifying suicide and a list of 10 students he wanted to harm written in a homemade journal. Although the incident is troubling, the intervention is a …
Read more on Arizona Republic

Question by Shabnam: What’s about the court for Lindsay lohan?
i saw some pictures of lindsay lohan in court,and i wanted to be what is that all about?can someone explain me???PLZ

Best answer:

Answer by Ani
January 2006: Vanity Fair reports that Lohan admitted she had bulimia during an interview, but Lohan denies that she has an eating disorder. The article quotes Lohan as saying, “I was sick. Everyone was scared. And I was scared too. I had people sit me down and say, ‘You’re going to die if you don’t take care of yourself.’ ”

January 2007: Lohan checks into rehab for the first time. “I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health,” the singer says in a statement. “I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time.” In December, Lohan’s publicist revealed that Lohan had been voluntarily attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

May 26, 2007: Lohan gets arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence after her Mercedes convertible strikes a curb in Los Angeles. Police reported that they found a substance they believe to be cocaine at the scene.

May 28, 2007: Lohan checks into rehab again. “Lindsay admitted herself to an intensive medical rehabilitation facility on Memorial Day,” a representative for the singer/actress says in a statement. “Because this is a medical matter, it is our hope that the press will appreciate the seriousness of the situation and respect the privacy of Lindsay as well as the other patients receiving treatment at the facility.”

June 14, 2007: Lohan is accused of being drunk when she crashed into a parked van in Beverly Hills in October 2005, according to a lawsuit. Raymundo Ortega claims Lohan — who was 19 years old at the time — “consumed alcohol and became intoxicated” at the Ivy restaurant before the accident.

July, 14, 2007: Lohan checks out of Promises rehab facility after more than six weeks and celebrates the end of her 45-day stay by soberly partying with some friends at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas.

July 24, 2007: Less than two weeks after leaving a rehabilitation facility, Lohan is pulled over by police early in the morning and arrested on five counts, including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of narcotics. Lohan checks into an undisclosed rehab facility hours after the arrest.

August 14, 2007: Lohan gets sued again, this time for assault and negligence by one of the passengers who was traveling in the car the actress allegedly chased the month prior while driving under the influence.

August 23, 2007: Lohan gets charged with seven misdemeanor counts for her two DUI arrests earlier that year. She reaches a plea deal, saying she would spend one day in jail, serve 10 days of community service and complete a drug-treatment program. Lohan is placed on 36 months’ probation and required to complete an 18-month alcohol-education program and pay hundreds of dollars in fines. She also is to finish a three-day county coroner program that required her to visit a morgue and talk to victims of drunken drivers. “It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs,” Lohan writes in a statement released to MTV News.

October 5, 2007: Lohan leaves a two-month rehab stint at the Cirque Lodge Treatment Center in Utah. She is also seen with her estranged father, Michael, who was carrying her suitcases.

December 31, 2007: In a video posted on TMZ, Lohan drinks straight from a bottle of champagne while partying in Italy.

October 16, 2009: Lohan shows up more than an hour late to a probation hearing in Beverly Hills for a progress review on her two DUI cases. She gets another year of probation tacked on due to failure to complete alcohol-education classes as required.

April 26, 2010: Lohan is asked to leave the film “The Other Side.” The director says Lohan was fired because she is not “bankable.”

June 8, 2010: A Beverly Hills judge issues an arrest warrant for Lohan and orders her to post $ 200,000 bail after she violates a court order to not consume alcohol while wearing a SCRAM alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet. The warrant is recalled after bail is posted.

July 6, 2010: Lohan is sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab for violating her probation.

High-End Red Hook Rehab Center to Offer Free Drug Screening for Locals
Urban Recovery House, the drug and alcohol treatment center that's slated for 110 Beard St., will first offer non-medical assessments to examine a person's history with addiction. Experts will then recommend a treatment program, which may either be at …
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Dennis Rodman checks into alcohol rehab after N. Korea trip
(CNN) — Former basketball star Dennis Rodman has checked into an alcohol-rehabilitation center after facing backlash for his visit to North Korea. "Dennis Rodman came back from North Korea in pretty rough shape emotionally. The pressure that was put …
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The Worm has poked his head out of rehab — and not much has changed. Failed ambassador and ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman broke his self-imposed silence Friday in a rambling interview from an alcohol treatment center. At one point, Rodman conceded …
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