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Posts Tagged ‘drug testing’

Question by that 1 chick: What happens at a drug abuse (rehab) class?
Had a random drug test at work today. I may or may not pass. I’ve been there over a year and I know the bosses like me too much to fire me. I talked to a friend that works there and she said its happened before. They didn’t get fired but they made this person do “rehab” (aka drug abuse class)
I was wondering, what the heck do you do in there? Is it like school? How long will it last? How often am I gonna get drug tested?
If you’ve ever experienced that, let me know what goes down. Greatly appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Marcia
“The program” varies far too much to for us to give you too much insight. You can expect random drug tests for 1 to 10 years however; again depending upon how serious your company is, their insurance companies are, your state’s injury compensation program is, what you tested positive for and how much, how your company’s customers react to positive tests, and how/which/what contracts your company is carrying for their product.

The function of a re-hab program is not to send you to time out or punish you for having used drugs/alcohol. Rather, it is to encourage you to stop using the substance of choice, encourage you to not take up a different substance, and to be able to provide some sort of success statistics. It may or may not include random or routine drug testing for the duration of the program. It may or may not include classroom time, group or individual therapy sessions, or the requirement to attend additional sessions like NA or AA. It may or may not include personal introspection exercises, tools and exercises for future abstinence purposes, and more. Again, the goal is for graduates to no longer use for the rest of their lives after graduation.

It is good that your company does value its employees to give them a chance. Do realize that this is often done on a case by case basis and that the attitudes of the company, an individual boss, or the top tier can change on a whim. Also, that the company probably has a lot of external pressures including considering the cost of rehab for an employee versus the cost of obtaining and training a new hire. Good luck.

Bill would add millions for substance abuse programs
“I think all of us have had issues with someone struggling with alcohol abuse or substance abuse,” he said. “So I wanted to see if we couldn't give more money (for substance abuse treatment and prevention programs) without dipping into another account.”
Read more on Wyoming Tribune

Liquor tax proposed by City Council to fund substance abuse recovery programs
“The neighborhoods in the City of Boston are experiencing the adverse effects of substance abuse and addictions which lead to an increase in crime; and, substance abuse prevention and treatment programs are important services that provide assistance to …
Read more on Daily Free Press (subscription)

Question by Pablo: Is Cindy McCain shady?
Why is it such a big deal that she doesn’t disclose her income. John McCain has already stated that he gives the majority of his income to her. Is he basically hiding his Income behind his wife? Do you find this as shady dealings or questionable actions by a presidential nominee ?
Im not taking sides. all the other canidates have disclosed their joint filings Why all the secrecy?
Is it wierd that a married couple would be filing seperately ?

Best answer:

Answer by negaduck
i dont care about her income. couldnt care less. if this is enough to sway your vote between two such different candidates (obama and mccain) then you must not care much about politics.

Answer by buzz
She knows they aren’t going to win. Why expose herself?

Coal City cops offer testing kits to combat drug use
A growing heroin problem within Grundy County has resulted in one police department distributing drug testing kits to concerned parents. …. You're entitled to view 5 articles for free every 30 days, and you currently have (%remaining%) remaining …
Read more on Kankakee Daily Journal

Duluth's drug problem endures
Duluth's drug problem didn't end when its downtown head shop, Last Place on Earth, closed, say health experts involved in a study on the impact of synthetic drugs. “These are people who have substance abuse problems, and they use what's available …
Read more on Budgeteer

Guest column: Swiss model helps curb heroin addiction
It's sad that society rises to a level of sympathy and understanding only when death by drug addiction strikes the rich and famous. When poor Willie Smith is found behind the convenience store Dumpster at 5 a.m., lying dead with a needle in his arm, it …
Read more on Florida Today

Question by puffer fish: Employment to large companies…drug tests?
I recently tried to apply to a large company to be an accountant, and they asked if I would be willing to do a hair folical test. I said yes, but never returned their phone call because I knew I would fail…I used cocaine and marijuana several months ago, and although it would be long gone in my urine or blood, I heard it stays in your hair folical for years…are most companies doing hair folical tests now?

Best answer:

Answer by 01001011
It’s hard to say “most” companies are doing hair follicle tests, since not all companies do drug tests prior to employment. But yes, of companies that do drug tests, the hair follicle test is becoming increasingly popular for its less invasive nature and wider window of detection than urine testing. Purportedly, in fact, “the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has proposed new rules, in the final state of revision, that are likely to make hair the prime specimen for drug testing.”

However, supposedly the standard for testing is only about the first 1.5 inches of hair, which is more or less 90 days back depending on how fast your hair grows, even though how far they could test is only limited by the length of the hair. So it is possible you may have passed the drug test; the actualy time frame is fairly rough.

Answer by Tim
It is pretty much hit and miss.

I have some that do, most do not. It depends on the size of the company and the importance of the results to them.

What Teens Need to Know About Prescription Drug Abuse
National Drug Facts Week was created for teens in 2010 by the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA), part of the National Institutes of Health, to help shatter the myths about drugs and drug abuse. In 2014, the awareness week runs from January 27th …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Rez students participate in National Drug Facts Week
In celebration of National Drug Facts Week, students from Arapahoe Middle School were encouraged to be drug and alcohol free and learned about the dangers of substance abuse. The assembly-style presentations were organized by the Eastern Shoshone …
Read more on The Ranger

Vt. gov. to substance abuse treatment program
On Tuesday, Shumlin and state officials rolled out a new program aimed at rehabilitating drug users in Rutland County. The goal of rapid intervention is to identify offenders with multiple past misdemeanor convictions and integrate them into a pre …

With drug crackdown, LePage favoring enforcement over treatment
The governor's emphasis on arresting and prosecuting drug offenders sets him apart from mainstream trends in public policy, which have begun to tilt toward addiction intervention and treatment as a more effective response. LePage framed his call for a …
Read more on Press Herald

Student drug testing plan tabled
It says researchers “examined the association that perceptions of school climate and drug testing have with the initiation and escalation of substance use in U.S. high school students over a 1-year period.” A sample of 361 high … It cited some …
Read more on Martinsville Bulletin

Question by FAITH: How come people on government assistance are not subject to a drug test before and while receiving benefits?
Our tax dollars are paying for a lot of people’s drug addictions. I know here in California, most people on welfare are also on some type of drug abuse. They will take the General Relief money and Food Stamps and feed their drug habit instead of the kids. I believe they should all be subject to drug testing to receive benefits from our tax money and continue with unannounced drug testing to continue to receive payments. We the tax payers have a right to where the money is going.

Best answer:

Answer by TheOrange Evil
I think it’d be a lot cheaper and easier to 1) get rid of welfare, especially long-term welfare, and 2) make drugs legal.

Answer by Easy, later tonight my rm.
I think WI just got tougher. WI has a good gov. currently, and he’s hated by the socialists. The socialist left think Government is infringing on the rights of the poor if they have to produce an ID or get a drug test. Idiots!

I agree with the first guy as well. Legalize them all for the sake of freedom.

Question by ophelia: Hypocritical advice about finding your calling/figuring out what to do with your life?
I come from an extremely dysfunctional family full of former and current alcoholics,addicts,and in general very irresponsible and shallow people im terms of providing what a family is meant to provide;uncondition love,support,and understanding.

I know not many of us out there can say theyve ever experiences that type of support and love so hopefully someone can give me some insight or help to get over this obstacle for once and for all.

I am pretty much always presented with unsolicited advice from family and the friends of family ,”so have you figured out what youre gonna do with your life?” Or “you know this just comes from experience,when talking to an adult you should always give a one word solid answer on what your plans are for your career instead of saying youre still trying to figure that out”,the list goes on and on.

This is coming from three cousins of mine who are recovering drug and alcohol addicts whom were given jobs only and i mesn only because of the real estate business their father owns,none of them graduated college which I think is absolutely fine and acceptable but for whatever reason I am constantly hurled bank handed insults,unsolicited advice,gossiped about by family,lied about,and pretty much made out to be the scapegoat which I have finally realized through a therapist.

I still am hurt though somehow by these comnents so do I just cut off contact? No matter how hard I try or how wonderful Im doing these comments and constant chatter never stop.

I am by nature very understanding,non-judgmental, very empathetic,respect absolutely everyone regardless of whether or not Ive been hurt by them or if they dont hold the same beliefs or morals,anything and anyone i am unconditionally supportive and loving and I just wish I could feel eve n an ounce of that love and respect in return. Im also buddhist/taoist so I can definitely recognize any religious barriers people may hold but still it seemd extreme for others to have so much animosity toward another person’s life and well-being? It just doesnt make sense to me.

Should i just give up and cut those relationships off so i can end any further destruction and damage on myself,my future&happiness?

Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you all,this is all lightening all the weight and hurt already,thank you thank you thank you,love you all.

Best answer:

Answer by GeorgieGuy
Hi Ophelia,
We don’t get to pick our family. We do, however, get to pick our friends. I recommend reducing contact with your hurtful and dysfunctional relatives and spending time with more supportive and healthy people. I think you might also benefit from attending an AL-ANON group to discuss coping with your family members. Here’s a link to connect online. If you prefer, most communities have group meetings where you can talk directly to others who are going through similar issues. AL-ANON is designed for people with family and friends who are dealing with addiction. Best wishes.

Answer by William
From a buddhist perspective it should be easy for you to understand that all of this life is projected through your conciousness, meaning that each person is responsible for their reality, this is also simple physics. The best you can do is respond to those negative people an situations with love and forgiveness. Dont necessarily cut ties with those in your life but tell them that you love them. Forgive them silently for they are more confused than you. Dont worry if they express their love for you or not, it does not matter, the world is a dream and we are all part of the one and besides I love you unconditionally.

DeForest Area – Meeting For ParentsParents invited to alcohol and drug
Located on this website are the answers to the many questions that surround addiction, signs and symptoms of drug abuse, treatment, insurance, legal issues, overdoes, recovery and getting support for family and friends of people in the grip of this …

Thomas Koch: Governor's drug addiction initiative deserves wide support
It is a crisis bubbling just beneath the surface that may be invisible to many, but is already highly visible to law enforcement, medical personnel, social service and addiction treatment providers, and too many Vermont families. It requires all of us …

Parents cheer as Northern Valley school board rejects random drug testing
The decision was met with jubilation by many in a crowd of parents who had passionately questioned and challenged every reason given by the district in support of such a policy. Once reserved for elite athletes, drug testing is now employed … But the …